Monday, February 25, 2013

Creepy CATsuit

Catsuits give you super powers. You can climb things in dangerous shoes, hang upside down like a bat, really the possibilities are endless ;)

This Muscle and Bone Catsuit is one of my favorite Black Milk pieces, its creepy, sexy and most of all just plain awesome!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feeling a Little Witchy

Spring is almost here and while fashion trends for this season are bright, bold and colorful, I'm more of a dark and witchy kind of girl.
After a long search I finally found the perfect maxi dress, and of course its Black....Milk.
Revenge of the Burned Velvet Maxi  It's light, flowy, dark and sexy, it's pretty much perfect!  

Don't forget to check out the video fiends :)